As specialists in the field of fences and gates, we offer modern metal fences ensuring greater safety and beautiful appearance for your property.
Our fences are made of high-quality materials and are characterized by exceptional durability and resistance to weather conditions.
We offer fast and reliable delivery of our fences as well as installation in Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, and Austria.
Free fence estimation!
Please provide the following information for estimation:
- Width, length, and height of the fence
- Fence design, sample photos
- Postal code
- Phone number
- Email address
Online inquiry:
Contact Bulls Metal. We will respond immediately.
Email: [email protected]
We invite you to cooperate.
Bulls Metal Fences
Kościelna 13
66-470 Kostrzyn nad Odrą
NIP PL5993271912
Contact with the company:
Email: [email protected]
Social Media:
Bulls Metallzäune
Derry/Londonderry - Londonderry